09-08-2019, 07:12 AM
up upgrading to new forum software
There's nothing wrong with the forum software, the problem is browser and/or search result hijacking.
300 baud was the fastest speed
For a brief time 450 baud was popular: the original Hayes 300 modems were clocked to the serial data stream, so they ran at whatever speed could be configured on the host UART, in some cases up to almost 600 baud. The maximum varied per individual modem because manufacturing was less precise in those days.
Then came PSK and 4PAM and 8PAM, right up to the Shannon limit...
There's nothing wrong with the forum software, the problem is browser and/or search result hijacking.
300 baud was the fastest speed
For a brief time 450 baud was popular: the original Hayes 300 modems were clocked to the serial data stream, so they ran at whatever speed could be configured on the host UART, in some cases up to almost 600 baud. The maximum varied per individual modem because manufacturing was less precise in those days.
Then came PSK and 4PAM and 8PAM, right up to the Shannon limit...