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Maui County Sues Oil Companies For Climate Change
Maui County faces..

From the linked article...

If it decides to move forward with the suit, Maui County would join other municipalities and states #8213; including New York #8213; in heading to court to recoup the real and anticipated costs of climate change...

Right on! I am sure this is just the tip of the ol preverbal iceberg. There is no getting away from the fact that the fossil fuel industry has known, and has put that knowledge aside, hidden it, covered it with disinformation, so much so as to create climate change deniers themselves. This is the biggest screw you ever by corporate greed. Way bigger than the tobacco industry that just outright, intentionally, killed people. This is bigger than the opioid crisis. This is so big. To destroy a planet's biosphere for money. To create misery for millions for money. To kill species after species, for money.

Yeah, right on Maui! I kinda wish our own would see the light themselves and join 'em already. But hey, nice to see Maui guys have.

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RE: Maui County Sues Oil Companies For Climate Change - by Guest - 10-31-2019, 01:28 PM

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