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County wants people to stop farming, growing food
Who approves this "farm plan"?

Better question might be: "for whom are these plans approved"?

Favorite example: a vacant lot for sale above Hilo with a full Ag exemption. Aerial photos showed no ag. I drove by, and guess what, vacant house, overgrown yard.

Benefit of the doubt: it might have been productive ag at some point ... but apparently nobody ever reviews these exemptions after they're granted.

Yes, we all know the revenue enhancements will not be used for our benefit -- that's a given -- but fixing bogus ag exemptions means increasing taxes on people other than myself, and that's as good as it gets around here.

I can hardly wait until County decides to rescind Homeowner status for unpermitted residentce. That tax grab will make bogus ag exemptions look like pocket change, and there's no recourse, it's merely a "clarification of existing rules" (for everyone).

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RE: County wants people to stop farming, growing food - by kalakoa - 11-17-2019, 07:29 AM

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