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Young Brothers 34% rate increase
This is from James Keach at the Kauai Cooperative Extension:

Hi all,

Would you mind distributing to interested stakeholders/media/faculty as an FYI? We found out about it here kind of last-minute and I want to give folks a chance to process. Thank you!
This might be particularly pertinent to Big Island folks since their meetings are upcoming.

Just a heads up that the Public Utilities Commission is holding public meetings about Young Brothers' proposed increase of shipping rates and change of services. Meetings on most islands have already occurred, but Big Island is scheduled for the end of the month:

Monday, January 27, 2020, 6:00 p.m.
West Hawaii Civic Center
Council Building A / County Council Chambers
74-5044 Ana Keohokalole Highway
Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96740

Tuesday, January 28, 2020, 5:30 p.m.
Aupuni Center
101 Pauahi Street, Suite 1
Hilo, Hawaii 96720

Proposed changes include a 34% hike on most shipping methods next year, to support updating infrastructure.
For instance, a full dry container will cost $250.50 more. (info taken from the YB fact sheet at the Kaua'i hearing)

Other changes include:

1- Increase number of barge sailings from some ports.
2- Accept livestock shipping later in the day.
3- Eliminate livestock transfers at the port.*
4- Eliminate shipping all livestock shipping devices, except "Certified Leak Proof" 20' and 40' containers and/or trailers. (no box stalls or any other size shipping devices) At the "current rate", this will drive shipping cost up from $170 to ship a box stall, to $1,540, to ship that 20' container. This price does not include the extra trucking and extra handling involved to make livestock transfers away from the pier and return back to the pier, to get to the other islands or whatever, since all freight goes to Oahu first for island shipping. A trial run quote was made, and the cost came out to $3,373 for a 20' container even if it only had one horse or one cow, or one goat..... One animal is considered a full load. A box stall, with all it's handling, costs about $850 in the end.
5- Booking must be 7 days in advance.

Mahalo to Savannah for extracting the info above.

At the Kaua'i meeting several community members testified about how this might affect shipping horses for rodeo events, change the cost of materials for farmers/growers as well as costs to reach off-island markets, limit materials that can be brought for fairs and other events, and impact the cost of imported food at supermarkets and restaurants. A question was raised about whether the increase could be spread over a longer time period.
The Consumer Advocate also testified that they are seeking input on the matter. (contact info at end of email)
Conversations in my corner of the room after the conclusion of the meeting also brought up how statewide events like Merrie Monarch might be affected (bringing in hula supplies, animals, etc.), how this fits in with the state's goal of increased food self-sufficiency, how the size of a business might affect its ability to respond, and a comment that in previous meetings the livestock industry had been represented but this was the first meeting where other ag people had testified.
(As a state employee I have no public opinion here, just reporting overheard conversation points; further details might be available in the public record from the meetings)

Reported attendance at these meetings has been variable, from only 3 at one event to over 60 at another, so more public input is being sought. If you have an opinion on the rate increase or policy changes please consider attending one of the Big Island meetings detailed above.

If you are unable to attend but want to submit testimony or get further information, the contact for the Big Island Public Utilities Commission is:

PUC Hawai'i District Office
688 Kinoole St, #106-A
Hilo, HI 96720
Phone: 808-974-4533
Fax: 808-974-4534

Contact for the Division of Consumer Advocacy:

P.O. Box 541
Honolulu, HI 96809
Phone: 808-586-2800
Fax: 808-586-2780

Please feel free to distribute as appropriate.

Kind regards,

James Keach, PhD
Assistant Extension Agent - Ornamental Crops / Master Gardeners
University of Hawai'i
Kaua'i Cooperative Extension
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

Messages In This Thread
Young Brothers 34% rate increase - by terracore - 01-10-2020, 05:57 AM
RE: Young Brothers 34% rate increase - by kalakoa - 01-10-2020, 07:15 AM
RE: Young Brothers 34% rate increase - by BillyB - 01-11-2020, 02:22 PM
RE: Young Brothers 34% rate increase - by HereOnThePrimalEdge - 01-17-2020, 08:06 AM
RE: Young Brothers 34% rate increase - by kalakoa - 01-17-2020, 08:23 AM

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