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Native Hawaiian Reconciliation Commission & SB 42
In a somewhat related story:

Several weeks ago the Hawaii Attorney General issued a subpoena for an audit of an anti-TMT group KAHEA, and their spending. They are a non-profit, and in order to maintain tax free status, they must follow the same regulations for other non-profits in their category. KAHEA called this harassment.

The solution? Prevent the AG from investigating non-profits with a special exception that allows their illegal legally exempted activity:

The Hawai#699;i State Senate Committee on Hawaiian Affairs took up Senate Bill 42 SD 1, which proposes to prohibit the Attorney General “from investigating nonprofit organizations for exercising their constitutional right to free speech and assembly or practicing native Hawaiian traditional and customary rights expressly protected under article XII, section 7 of the state constitution...

... government overreach that is the primary intent of the AG’s subpoena. The AG states that it’s investigating “illegal activity” consisting in “blocking a road.” Yet, “blocking the road” hugely understates what the Kia‘i Mauna movement is.

Problem solved.

Question, if non-profits can in the future donate unlimited funds for protest movements, will the protestors now request a special law so they can obstruct, blockade, close, and lock owners and citizens out of legal access to property, land and infrastructure? Is this where we're headed?
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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RE: Native Hawaiian Reconciliation Commission & SB 42 - by HereOnThePrimalEdge - 02-12-2020, 06:26 AM

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