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No Aloha from Southwest
"Yesterday a large (737 size?) jet flew over HPP around noontime. It was painted solid orange on the bottom, flying from a southerly direction toward the northeast - - at a very low altitude for a plane that size. I thought it would head toward Hilo, but instead it continued toward the mainland.

I'm assuming the flight originated in Kona rather than Maui or Oahu due to it's low altitude. Anyone else see the plane? Or have more info about the flight?

I checked FlightAware and couldn't find any commercial flights that flew over or near HPP at the date and time you mention. I suspect it was Coastguard (but then I don't know what plane it might be) or military.

I do remember during emergencies caused by lava flows or incoming hurricanes that we would get large jets flying low over Kaloli Point on their way to Hilo. I never managed to see them but certainly heard them and the direction of travel was obvious - they were loud. I always assumed they were military or something similar bringing in support personnel and/or supplies.

The only time I ever saw a commercial jet from HPP was during the recent lava flow. It was well off the coast and flying quite low (2000 ft, I checked when I got home). Like many HA flights from Hilo then, if they had the time they treated their passengers to a view of the lava. But they flew a few miles off the coast, not overland.

Messages In This Thread
No Aloha from Southwest - by Obie - 02-25-2020, 05:21 PM
RE: No Aloha from Southwest - by TomK - 02-25-2020, 06:48 PM
RE: No Aloha from Southwest - by Obie - 02-26-2020, 04:29 AM
RE: No Aloha from Southwest - by kalakoa - 02-26-2020, 05:13 AM
RE: No Aloha from Southwest - by Punatic007 - 02-26-2020, 05:37 AM
RE: No Aloha from Southwest - by kalakoa - 02-26-2020, 06:03 AM
RE: No Aloha from Southwest - by Chas - 02-26-2020, 04:44 PM
RE: No Aloha from Southwest - by TomK - 02-26-2020, 07:16 PM

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