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Shelves at Costco, Target, Walmart, etc. lately?
Just a quick summary from Wednesday
- Neither Walmart or Target had any toilet paper - sh!t must be real
- Same goes for bleach, rubbing alcohol, most pain meds
- Whole aisles in Target were close to empty, no soups or pasta for instance
- Heard someone say that Target was the only place in town they managed to find peanut butter
- Both locations were hit and miss for any particular item but a trip to both, if needed, can find most essentials
- Conditions and availability will change day by day and hour by hour.
- The stocking crews at both locations deserve a raise

Probably best to not wait till the last minute if you need something. I suggest having at least one replacement for commonly used items and restocking when you start on the last of any item.

There is a tangible sense of panic floating about. I find it helps to make a list, be willing to accept substitutes, and maintain awareness of your surroundings to get your shopping done quickly and safely.

Those using Amazon Prime still getting their meals in a box? (Haven't tested this out yet for myself)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Shelves at Costco, Target, Walmart, etc. lately? - by ironyak - 03-19-2020, 02:04 AM
RE: Shelves at Costco, Target, Walmart, etc. lately? - by taropatch - 03-31-2020, 12:26 PM

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