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Shelves at Costco, Target, Walmart, etc. lately?
Someone please convince me I'm wrong.

Even if you do turn out to be wrong, you don't want to realize too late you were right. Think about what steps you can take now that hopefully will end up not being needed. While alarms might help dissuade an opportunist thief, it would be a poor choice to count on the police showing up in time to make a difference with a determined bad guy. We all do actually live in Puna right - how could this not be understood?

Week or 2 after that there will be violence on the streets.
Did this happen anywhere else? China?

There's been a wide variety of incidents - vigilantism in China as they blocked tunnels & roads to prevent people from travelling, unrest in Ukraine, burning down a hospital that was suspected of holding coronavirus patients in Iran, prison riots / escapes / deaths in Columbia, Italy, & Sri Lanka, etc. It's happening - just got to pay attention.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Shelves at Costco, Target, Walmart, etc. lately? - by ironyak - 03-22-2020, 04:09 AM
RE: Shelves at Costco, Target, Walmart, etc. lately? - by taropatch - 03-31-2020, 12:26 PM

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