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Mandatory quarantine for all travelers to Hawaii
Seems like a pretty good trick to reduce arrivals to me. Hawaii can do it since we only have the Pacific Ocean as a border. What about boat arrivals?

The mainland states can’t as effectively close borders. Is there a constitutional limit to a state just flat out closing borders?

On the other hand we’re all in the same cage here. Will individual islands try to limit incomers from other islands. Will Kona side try to limit east sliders from coming over there. Will Hilo try to limit the Punatics from coming into town. Will people shoot people coming onto their properties? It would be more humane to quarantine them IMO. Wink

19 is certainly in the wild by now on the big island so how much difference it will make is debatable. But still, it seems a pretty big step in the right direction to me. Yes, Ige is a weasel, but is it impossible to give some credit when he does something right?



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RE: Mandatory quarantine for all travelers to Hawaii - by knieft - 03-22-2020, 05:52 AM

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