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Amazon Air expands operations to Kona International Airport
There have been a few times where they tried to charge me for Prime shipping. I was always able to get a resolution though their customer service chat feature.

One time FedEx attempted delivery of a microwave ordered on Amazon that was sopping wet. They had used a roll of tape to try and reconstitute the box as much as possible but I remembered something about electricity and water not liking each other, and adding that to a radiation producing device just seemed like a bad idea, so I refused the delivery. When I went to get a replacement Amazon was no longer selling that particular microwave and the customer service agent was steering me towards buying it from a 3rd party seller, but were all either more expensive and/or had no free shipping.

English wasn't their first language so I had a tough time explaining why all their options were not acceptable to me, but I think they thought I was raising hell over some perceived injustice. They wound up ordering a microwave from a 3rd party seller but charging me the original amazon price, gave me a refund for shipping, plus gave me an additional $100 "customer service gesture" credit on my account. Their original "offer" was that I would pay the higher price plus shipping BUT they would reward me with a free month of Prime. Uh... no. Somehow that turned into getting a replacement sent out plus a $100 credit.

Was it a happy ending? Meh... The microwave died a month after the extended warranty expired. It was the last "over the range" microwave I'd ever buy. They cost like $300 when I only need a $60 microwave. Since they are all disposable nowadays there is no point in spending the extra money. I wound up mounting a stainless steel shelf over the range and put a $60 microwave on it. And there is enough room for the air fryer. For $16ish I was able to buy and install undercabinet lighting for it. Looks nice and costs less.

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RE: Amazon Air expands operations to Kona International Airport - by terracore - 08-19-2020, 02:33 AM

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