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Insect service
The Advion is the real deal. I'll put the link of what I bought below, but so little is needed it's like a lifetime supply. I sent some to my daughter who lived in an infested apartment in HNL that was getting weekly professional sprays but not eliminating the problem. A few days after she used the Advion her apartment was roach free. It exploits the concept that roaches are cannibals, so any roach that comes in contact with it returns to where roaches congregate and dies, the roaches that eat it die, and the roaches that eat that one dies, subsequently killing up to 5 generation of roaches with it. I read that each roach that contacts the Advion (touching or eating) kills 44 other roaches.

How to use the product:

Messages In This Thread
Insect service - by eigoya - 07-16-2021, 10:08 PM
RE: Insect service - by RoGo - 07-17-2021, 12:21 AM
RE: Insect service - by kalianna - 07-17-2021, 02:48 AM
RE: Insect service - by terracore - 07-17-2021, 03:41 AM
RE: Insect service - by eigoya - 07-17-2021, 04:38 AM
RE: Insect service - by kalianna - 07-17-2021, 05:08 AM
RE: Insect service - by eigoya - 07-17-2021, 05:25 PM
RE: Insect service - by terracore - 07-17-2021, 06:16 PM
RE: Insect service - by Hotinhawaii2 - 07-19-2021, 04:58 AM

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