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Vaccinated People Spread The Delta Variant, CDC Says
Numbers from Carey -

"A total of 131 new cases were identified on the Big Island Thursday"

"10% of this weeks reported will have been hospitalized & ~1% will have died)..."

For those without access to a calculator - that's 13 people hospitalized and less than one person dying.

Still no data on the risk background of the hospitalized or potentially deceased.

In review, 1% of people infected with Covid on the Big Island have passed away. Or 0.02% of the entire island.

Without any knowledge of the medical background of those 58 souls, may they rest in peace, the public has not been given enough data to make an informed decision.

P.S. Carey, you mentioned "younger" patients in your last post. Would you please define "younger"?

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RE: Vaccinated People Spread The Delta Variant, CDC Says - by AaronM - 08-06-2021, 03:12 PM

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