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New invasive noxious weed found on Big Island
I wonder if there is any upside to our new guest.

I grow a garden.  I'm weeding all the time so the vegetables I plant will grow.

Now a new plant variety is introduced that produces 800,000 seeds a year, is big, poisonous, and easily spreads 250 feet from the parent.  As an inquisitive person, just asking questions with a sense of wonder, could this new invasive species really be as bad as some "experts" suggest?  Perhaps they exaggerate?  Maybe the plants only produce 750,000 seeds a year and spread a mere 225 feet from the parent.  If it's poisonous but doesn't kill everyone or every living creature it certainly won't affect me personally because I have no underlying conditions.  At least none that I know of at the moment.

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RE: New invasive noxious weed found on Big Island - by HereOnThePrimalEdge - 09-07-2021, 09:10 PM

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