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Vaccinated People Spread The Delta Variant, CDC Says
"A loss of humoral immunity (a reduction in antibody levels specific to covid) is expected but is far from a complete picture for lasting immunity. Memory T cells provide more lasting immunity, an item your article doesn't address."

My, my, I'm experiencing a true dilemma at the moment, over whether that was the most intelligenty ignorant or the most ignorantly intelligent thing I've ever read.

"The death rate for those with identified cases of covid is 0.5-1.2% according to the best information available and not 0.2% as you posit. If your 0.2% were true, how is it that the USA as a whole has 0.22% of it's population dead from covid and only 13% of it's population has been infected (with an average of two tests per person so far)? Peru has already lost 0.6% of it's population to covid."

Obsfucate much? Obviously AaronM was citing covid19 death percentage to population. You'd think you'd have picked up on that since you cited it as .22% Thus your point has no merit. In reality, covid19s largest percentage of deaths occures in those over 65, making it a pandemic amongst the elderly and not the general populace. Further enforcing AaronM's point.

A bit of advice vancouverislander, step off the mass hysteria train and excercise some of those objective reasoning skills it appears that you're withholding from yourself, you seem to be far more capable of making sense than the ignorantly intelligent levels you've displayed in your past few posts.

Snap out of it.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Vaccinated People Spread The Delta Variant, CDC Says - by Wao nahele kane - 10-11-2021, 11:41 PM

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