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Vaccinated People Spread The Delta Variant, CDC Says
Wearing a mask when you are symptomatic is not an apt comparison.

I have always wished people with colds or whatever would wear masks. It annoys me when people who have colds don't care who else they give it to and I've stated multiple times years and years ago that I wish this was a cultural thing here too.

Wearing a mask when you have no evidence you are necessarily spreading anything is an entirely different thing.

As for socks and underwear, these feel good to wear and are anything but an annoyance, except having to do the laundry, which I would have to do anyway.

If you really cared about others you wouldn't be using a cloth mask anyway, but at least a surgical mask. While a cloth mask is mildly effective, other types of masks are significantly better. When I walk into a hospital I always wear an N95 mask. I figure if you are that frail you probably shouldn't be walking around in crowded public spaces anyway, hospitals are a different story.

The mask thing has nothing to do with "freedom" per se. It's just a wasteful annoyance at this point for those who are not at any particular risk here.

I like how everyone proports to know my thought process. Although, to be fair... nuanced positions like this are typically lost in the noise lately, so I guess you wouldn't have ever thought so.

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RE: Vaccinated People Spread The Delta Variant, CDC Says - by malahini - 10-28-2021, 05:33 AM

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