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Pahoa Carjacking
Someone tried to do the same to my car earlier this year, but they failed and I chased them off.

I think what happened was is he turned off the car because it was so quiet. That or something got disabled because my keyfob was not in the car.

What did the suspect look like? Was he a tall skinny kid?

Donated btw.

It surprises me a bit how easily they get away around here. There really aren't that many roads on this island.

Messages In This Thread
Pahoa Carjacking - by DaVinci - 11-09-2021, 06:46 AM
RE: Pahoa Carjacking - by Rob Tucker - 11-09-2021, 05:20 PM
RE: Pahoa Carjacking - by DaVinci - 11-10-2021, 06:57 AM
RE: Pahoa Carjacking - by malahini - 11-10-2021, 07:09 AM
RE: Pahoa Carjacking - by AaronM - 11-10-2021, 08:42 PM
RE: Pahoa Carjacking - by DaVinci - 11-17-2021, 06:13 AM

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