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Swimmers & Surfers in Hawaii, Never Boared, Until Now
A woman surfing on Oahu was attacked in the water, by, well, she describes it best:

She was watching the lineup looking for good waves...
“I saw something floating, I thought it was a monk seal... It didn’t look round like a monk seal, so, I don't know, I was ignoring it and thought maybe it was a log.”
“And then suddenly its face came out of the water,”
And then it was so close and it came up and I could see its teeth.”

The boar... swam toward Seiple, who couldn’t paddle away fast enough, so she pushed her surfboard between them. The boar bit the surfboard leaving teeth impressions on both sides.

And now this, a mongoose trapped at a Kauai harbor.  Near the water.  Planning to swim out for another surfer attack?  

Move over sharks, you’ve got serious competition.

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Swimmers & Surfers in Hawaii, Never Boared, Until Now - by HereOnThePrimalEdge - 12-30-2021, 08:29 PM

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