01-17-2022, 08:36 PM
there are lots of people in the Acres who get by on less than $750/month.
It's a plan only clueless county officials whose solution for financial shortfalls is always raising taxes, never working harder or longer, could contemplate.
There is a way to solve the problem, United Sates Department of Transportation Paved Road Stamps, issued for residents of Hawaiian Acres who earn under a designated income level, and used to pay their monthly $750 county road fee.
It's a plan only clueless county officials whose solution for financial shortfalls is always raising taxes, never working harder or longer, could contemplate.
There is a way to solve the problem, United Sates Department of Transportation Paved Road Stamps, issued for residents of Hawaiian Acres who earn under a designated income level, and used to pay their monthly $750 county road fee.