05-12-2022, 03:32 PM
Mauna Kea is also referred to as Mauna o Wākea, named after the deity Wākea that created the islands. Wākea having children with his own daughter is part of the Hawaiian creation story. From Wikipedia:
"After Wākea committed incest with his daughter, Ho’ohokukalani, she gave birth to Haloa-naka-lau-kapalili, meaning trembling long stalk.[4] It was a stillborn baby, which they later planted and became the first kalo or taro, a staple of the Hawaiian diet. After Haloa-naka, Ho’ohokukalani gave birth to another child named Haloa, meaning long stalk, and he became the first kanaka or Hawaiian person."
"After Wākea committed incest with his daughter, Ho’ohokukalani, she gave birth to Haloa-naka-lau-kapalili, meaning trembling long stalk.[4] It was a stillborn baby, which they later planted and became the first kalo or taro, a staple of the Hawaiian diet. After Haloa-naka, Ho’ohokukalani gave birth to another child named Haloa, meaning long stalk, and he became the first kanaka or Hawaiian person."