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Nissan Leaf Battery Replacement Alternative To Dealer?
I’m aware of the positive aspects of EV ownership.  That is why I’m looking into buying one.  I understand which side of peak oil we are on.  We WILL be getting away from fossil fuels eventually, whether we like it or not.  Not because environment, but because we will run out of the stuff.  But a big part of doing my due diligence is examining the downsides and weighing them against the good.

Positive information is easy to come by.  Negative info requires a bit more effort to uncover.

I seem to be stuck on what happens to EVs at the end of their relatively short battery life.  I am asking you HOTPE, because you are experiencing it and you started a discussion about it.

What I have learned from you so far is that:

1.  You chose to buy a new vehicle rather than replace the battery in the one you have.

2.  The dealer didn’t make a suitable offer for your trade-in or you would have taken it.

You say the Leaf can still make it to town and back, but very soon it won’t.  I  also question how often you drive it now that you have your new car. 

So the main question is what to do with this perfectly good vehicle, that all it needs is a $15,000 battery.

Side question about the warranty on your new car, since you brought it up:

If the battery goes dead at 9 years and 90,000 miles, do you get a free replacement, complete with installation and disposal, or is it pro-rated like with most batteries?

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RE: Nissan Leaf Battery Replacement Alternative To Dealer? - by My 2 cents - 08-02-2022, 06:44 PM

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