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Local sources of Antixx or Firefighter Fire Ant baits?
Terrecore - I seem to be having better luck than you with the black ants.  I haven’t seen a single fire ant here in over 3 years, and the black ants appear to be spreading.  I don’t know what the difference is, if it’s something I did differently or something else, but it’s certainly worth looking into.  The black ants are much more tolerable than the fire ants.  I still don’t like them crawling on me, but a tickle is better than a burning bite any day.

The fact that you are still seeing black ants is encouraging.  Maybe it’s as simple as your war being bigger than mine from the beginning and taking longer to resolve.

The place where you found both of them coexisting….have you been back to see if one won out over the other?

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RE: Local sources of Antixx or Firefighter Fire Ant baits? - by My 2 cents - 11-25-2022, 09:22 PM

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