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Applications now accepted for Waikoloa affordable rentals
elepaio pid=' dateline=\'1678007865' Wrote:Salamat + Come on Aaron, Jump in the fya : )

And yeah already forwarded to my  amazing friends who sleep on the bus in order to make ends "meat" for dey famz.

The current state of tourism labor is untenable.  Expecting people to commute for several hours a day has a direct correlation to the fact that more native Hawaiians live outside of Hawaii than in it.

Hilton income for 2022 was $1.25B, a 206% increase over 2021.  Marriot income for 2022 was $21B, an increase of 49%.  Outrigger profits aren't as readily available but likely follow a similar trend.  Covid is over, the profits are back and it's time for an aggressive union to go to bat for their employees.

Ideally a General Strike is the way to go but that hasn't been that successful in America and I have no info regarding Hawaii's labor history.  Although I imagine big sugar had some problems maintaining a strong grip on the situation...

There has been some talk of dollars and cents but let's make those dollars make sense.  What would a living wage look like for North Kona?  More importantly, how could that be achieved?   Walang anuman.

[Image: Wage-Growth.png]

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RE: Applications now accepted for Waikoloa affordable rentals - by AaronM - 03-06-2023, 08:29 AM

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