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"Work Efforts Beneficial For Everyday (Puna) Society"
Was something printed about the settlement?  Yes.  Was that something placed in a prominent location on the website or durning broadcast on the day it happened or anytime prior, so the average person in Puna could easily find it?  No.  Was the amount of the settlement or an admission of false reporting printed, both of which which are arguably the most important facts of the settlement? No. 

What wahine said is technically true, what kalianna said is technically true. But I in my personal opinionI found kalianna's statement closer to the truth or THE TRUTH, or the truth of the matter.

As Punaweb allows for freedom of speech, I'm entitled to my opinion?"

I appreciate the more detailed response.  I took Kalianna's comment as meaning FOX didn't report the settlement.  However, the link I found shows a date of April 18th.  FOX News is not a site I frequent, so I have no opinion regarding their search engine.  However, if Kalianna searched by the settlement amount, for example, that would have produced zero results.  I will assume you mentioned me and did not include Terracore because my post was first. 

As for your question about Punaweb, free speech, and your entitlement to your opinion.  You seem to forget that I'm all for others having the ability to delete their own threads and/or posts.  For the most part, deletions of posts or threads has not been abused.  I also appreciate reading other views on topics.

Lead by example

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RE: "Work Efforts Beneficial For Everyday (Puna) Society" - by Wao nahele wahine - 05-15-2023, 12:46 AM

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