(07-19-2023, 08:24 AM)kalianna Wrote: So to what do you attribute the calm along our coast? Max wind here (mid-HPP) has been 26 mph.
He can't answer that 'cause he aint got enough data? Yeah right, it's 'cause he's been bamboozling anyone that's willing to buy the snake oil he pedals.. and he don't have that kine snakes. And he keeps telling you all the frickin' islands don't mean a thing to a hurricane.. a 14,000 foot wall don't mean a thing.. a wall? Wind shear.. yeah, sure, he can grok that 'cause that's a term the real scientists throw around. But a solid, immovable, relatively impermeable, land mass? Nah... according to our in-house "scientist" that kine stuff don't matter..
But no.. he doesn't have enough gray matter between his ears to figure out the islands bust 'em up. Gee, a monkey can see that! Just look at the pretty pictures.. the satellite images. Look at the last 12 hours of the storm.. the islands have demolished the cloud structure.. the islands that caused them to be funneled every which way and created relatively calmer inshore areas as they built up against the land masses..
But no matter that TomK he's one smart buggah..