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2023 Pacific Hurricane forecast: "heightened risks for Mexico and Hawaii."
"When did we decide to collectively abandon our ability to reason independently?"

When everyone got a handheld computer with 100,000 plus times more processing power than the computer aboard "The Eagle" when it landed on the moon, which now allows some to call that landing fake!

"With a nod to sir Orwell I would like to say 2+2=5."

Just by saying that, there are some who will believe you. Verbatim.

"No one needs to be saved from that information."

The ones who will believe it do. Further, no matter how one argues, 2 +2 will ALWAYS BE 4. Claiming the volcano mountains protect us from certain catastrophic events from a hurricane is NOT ALWAYS TRUE.

"I’m not sure who either side of these bickerings thinks they are saving or serving or something."

One is posting untrue myths, the other is posting proven scientific fact. I think someone (even just one) could be saved, served or something else when realizing the difference.

ETA: To be clear, I AM NOT calling for any form of censorship whatsoever. Fact checking is completely separate.
“We are the first generation to feel the impact of climate change and the last generation that can do something about it.”

— Barack Obama

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RE: 2023 Pacific Hurricane forecast: "heightened risks for Mexico and Hawaii." - by HiloJulie - 07-23-2023, 05:01 AM

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