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2023 Pacific Hurricane forecast: "heightened risks for Mexico and Hawaii."
Quote:"someone choose to take care of you when you could not take care of yourself" - Yeah, when I was an infant. 

And when you were a kid and were taught to read and write, and when someone taught you a vast number of topics across several years of school, and when someone grew the food you ate today, and made your clothes, and designed and manufactured all the technology you use, and harnessed the energy that makes all of modern life possible. Your existence, along with near everyone else, is possible only because of the contributions of many thousands of individuals and your wellbeing is directly tied to, and dependent upon, theirs. I'd would think that a global pandemic would make this interdependence painfully clear, but apparently the myth of the lone wolf persists in some people's heads. Perhaps as the hurricane seasons worsen, the value of making efforts towards a well-informed, knowledgeable, and resilient community will make more sense to you.

Quote:Just because there has been an interest in creating a master race through genetic manipulation does not mean that any discussion of the health of our gene pool is abhorrent.

I'd hazard that I've forgotten more genetics than you've ever had to learn, as it was my education and occupation for decades, but please, go on and educate us who else you feel has to die so you can go about improving the "health of our gene pool", and how it's not eugenics ala Galton.

Between those advocating for misinformation and you declaring that those who fall for it deserve to die, it's quite the tag-team act. It's almost like you guys have not picked up on that whole concept promoted locally, you know that term popular here, with that Hawaiian word you keep hearing... oh well, guess I'll just have to say Aloha for now.

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RE: 2023 Pacific Hurricane forecast: "heightened risks for Mexico and Hawaii." - by ironyak - 07-25-2023, 06:42 AM

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