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MK controversy thread

I respectfully disagree. The new management structure and this designation will make it very difficult to get a lease extension and build the TMT on Maunakea.

I encourage you to look up what the Section 106 processes entail.

This is a brief description of the rigorous review that this designation will mandate going forward.

"The listing will trigger additional federal reviews for projects like the Thirty Meter Telescope. Traditional cultural properties that are listed in the National Register of Historic Places, or eligible to be listed, must undergo a National Park Service Section 106 review when there is a proposed federal undertaking. The National Science Foundation is currently considering funding the TMT observatory project. Downer said meetings are already being planned to discuss that federal review."

Messages In This Thread
MK controversy thread - by TomK - 12-21-2023, 07:36 AM
RE: Mauna Kea/Maunakea controversy thread - by AaronS - 12-23-2023, 05:36 PM

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