I sent this email to Councilwoman Lee Loy regarding her asinine comment about new roads not helping traffic congestion and to support Bill 107:
Dear Councilwoman Lee Loy,
I disagree with your assertion that no community nationwide has solved their traffic issues by constructing another road. The population of this island continues to grow, but both of the state
and county have decided to focus on roadway system preservation and safety projects for
the last several years. Something has to give.
- The State and County of Hawaii widened 19 between Kailua-Kona and Kona Int’l Airport , constructed the Ane K. Highway, La’aloa Avenue Extension, and Alii Drive Extension (Mamalahoa Highway bypass) between 2006 and 2018 in West Hawaii.
- Traffic congestion has markedly become less of an issue in North and South Kona due to these
highway improvements. This is due to traffic circulation improvements from these new highways.
- The proposed Puna Makai Alternative Route will not only improve traffic circulation from lower
Puna, but also provide an alternative route if a natural disaster strikes Puna again. We cannot forget
what happened in West Maui. It can, and will, happen again.
- The proposed PMAR is only part of the solution. The county needs to work on expanding connectivity in the Puna mauka area also.
- As far as I understand, the county finalized the final environmental assessment to extend and improve Volcano Highway to Pūhala Road of South Lauko Road, Pūhala Road of South Pszyk Road, and Pūhala Road south to South Kopua Road in 2017. The opening of these roads, and the necessary
roadway improvements, never happened.
The Puna district’s population will continue to grow in the foreseeable future. We can’t continue to put our heads in the sand and hope this traffic safety/congestion issue will magically resolve itself.
Aaron Stene
Dear Councilwoman Lee Loy,
I disagree with your assertion that no community nationwide has solved their traffic issues by constructing another road. The population of this island continues to grow, but both of the state
and county have decided to focus on roadway system preservation and safety projects for
the last several years. Something has to give.
- The State and County of Hawaii widened 19 between Kailua-Kona and Kona Int’l Airport , constructed the Ane K. Highway, La’aloa Avenue Extension, and Alii Drive Extension (Mamalahoa Highway bypass) between 2006 and 2018 in West Hawaii.
- Traffic congestion has markedly become less of an issue in North and South Kona due to these
highway improvements. This is due to traffic circulation improvements from these new highways.
- The proposed Puna Makai Alternative Route will not only improve traffic circulation from lower
Puna, but also provide an alternative route if a natural disaster strikes Puna again. We cannot forget
what happened in West Maui. It can, and will, happen again.
- The proposed PMAR is only part of the solution. The county needs to work on expanding connectivity in the Puna mauka area also.
- As far as I understand, the county finalized the final environmental assessment to extend and improve Volcano Highway to Pūhala Road of South Lauko Road, Pūhala Road of South Pszyk Road, and Pūhala Road south to South Kopua Road in 2017. The opening of these roads, and the necessary
roadway improvements, never happened.
The Puna district’s population will continue to grow in the foreseeable future. We can’t continue to put our heads in the sand and hope this traffic safety/congestion issue will magically resolve itself.
Aaron Stene