01-25-2024, 07:55 PM
There's a good article about the latest PMAR setback by Kevin Dayton on Civil Beat:
Be sure to read the comments as some good points are raised there.
As for Puna's potentially disastrous traffic problems, our best bet at this point may be to focus on getting Highway 130 fully expanded to four lanes as far as Pahoa. At least that is in the DOT Master Plan and has been funded, although the bureaucrats keep stalling by calling a moratorium on expansion projects in favor of "safety enhancements." They don't seem to understand that trapping people on an active volcano is a major safety problem in and of itself. And yes, I know that it would only take a few extra minutes for a lava flow to block an expanded 130, but at least there would be better access until that happened.
Ultimately, it may take a horrific incident and/or massive class action suit to get anything done. A large majority of politicians and bureaucrats at both the state and county level literally do not give a damn about Puna.
Be sure to read the comments as some good points are raised there.
As for Puna's potentially disastrous traffic problems, our best bet at this point may be to focus on getting Highway 130 fully expanded to four lanes as far as Pahoa. At least that is in the DOT Master Plan and has been funded, although the bureaucrats keep stalling by calling a moratorium on expansion projects in favor of "safety enhancements." They don't seem to understand that trapping people on an active volcano is a major safety problem in and of itself. And yes, I know that it would only take a few extra minutes for a lava flow to block an expanded 130, but at least there would be better access until that happened.
Ultimately, it may take a horrific incident and/or massive class action suit to get anything done. A large majority of politicians and bureaucrats at both the state and county level literally do not give a damn about Puna.