03-08-2024, 05:03 AM
What would TMT have to offer, and then to whom, represented by whom, to make it happen?
Hell, I don't know. How about talking about what the Hawaiians want first?
I don't think you get it. But hey, I imagine you were formed in a haolecentric world, so why would you? Maybe join a halau, sidle up to a canoe club, walk in their shoes.. spend time on their lanais, learn their language. Try and grok what's going on here. Help a farmer harvest their taro, work in a poi factory. Support, applaud, become a part of the Hawaiian renaissance.. volunteer at a Hawaiian emergence school.
From here it sounds like you're trying to put a square peg in a round hole.. and still try as you might I doubt you'll get that to work.
Hell, I don't know. How about talking about what the Hawaiians want first?
I don't think you get it. But hey, I imagine you were formed in a haolecentric world, so why would you? Maybe join a halau, sidle up to a canoe club, walk in their shoes.. spend time on their lanais, learn their language. Try and grok what's going on here. Help a farmer harvest their taro, work in a poi factory. Support, applaud, become a part of the Hawaiian renaissance.. volunteer at a Hawaiian emergence school.
From here it sounds like you're trying to put a square peg in a round hole.. and still try as you might I doubt you'll get that to work.