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5-13-24 Ocean View Man Arrested Following Barricaded Standoff in Kaʻū
In all seriousness and thankfully no one was hurt or killed, I think a big round of applause for our Police is in order - considering the enormous and vast Police response and having to deal with this crack pot - says a lot. About the training, the discipline, the equipment, so on and so forth. 


Why does it take nearly 28 hours for the outcome of this to be officially released to the news media? Considering that if, and I say IF, the Police responded and just went "Mozambique Drill" on this guy - it would have been in the media in less than 5 minutes.

Which is why, when I posted this, I could not justify a proper thread title. Further, when you look at the social media postings going on at the time, it was virtually every scenario imaginable being posted by uninformed guessing people - NONE of it even remotely close to the reality of what happened, so I did not want to interject "rumor" in absence of fact.

Now, comes the really hard part. 

What will the judge do? How high will an initial bail setting be made - only to be reduced to a pittance a few days later. How long before this guy is released to the public being sternly told - no guns, no crime, and be well behaved? 

How much longer before another massive Police response has to be made only to get this guy again?

And then, what about the wife and kid?

Messages In This Thread
RE: 5-13-24 Ocean View Man Arrested Following Barricaded Standoff in Kaʻū - by HiloJulie - 05-14-2024, 05:32 AM

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