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FBI investigating Big Island police officers?
Hello all, I am the Sister of Vincent. Please Google Lerette vs Hawaii to follow. I am sueing the state of hawaii, HCCC, 3 officers involved and the hospital. When you Google Lerette vs hawaii, scroll to the bottom for the judges rulings. We are about to start trial if they don't settle. My brother sustained 4 completely broken ribs, which caused blockage in the colon, CAUSING SEPSIS AND MULTI ORGAN FAILURE. I bailed him out after they drug him from Hilo to Waimea in his condition and back ON THE 8TH. HE WAS IN HCCC FROM THE 4TH TILL THE 8TH. Dr Winkler stated he is tired of seeing people beaten like this. Other staff states the police retaliated on them when they reported the truth. Hence the false medical records. THO I AND MY ATTORNEYS have the xrays from the 4th before he was booked into hccc. Police stayed in his custody the entire hospital visit keeping Vincent from telling them he was beaten. I'd doesn't matter why he pulled up behind an officer
To say hi, to ask for help? There is No excuse for murder!!!
If I were there on big island I would dissappear. I grew up there from1977 to 1983 and had a hoppa Houli baby born in kohala in 1981. No the entire system is corrupt. There was no tent cities when I lived there. But murder is not the answer. If I murder someone I GO TO JAIL. GOD WINS

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RE: FBI investigating Big Island police officers? - by Sister - 05-17-2024, 11:18 AM

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