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using an assault rifle while dealing methamphetamine and heroin
Well, this sure has gone down the preverbal rabbit hole of such childish nonsense that makes one truly shake their head. Is this what "Well Respected Long Time Punaweb Members do? Beat dead horses until they become inseparable from the ground? 

I guess so.

So, let's discuss this shall we?

This was the start of it:

(06-03-2024, 10:42 PM)leilanidude Wrote: Please don't disappoint us, hilo julie and be sure to quote this post too, even tho Rob has asked you to stop quoting as often.

Then it became this:

(06-04-2024, 01:16 PM)leilanidude Wrote: Rob has never asked me to not quote as you claim
Sure he did. It was during one of you and Tomk's endless rants with Elapio

(06-04-2024, 01:16 PM)leilanidude Wrote: Post appears to have been deleted.
However, Rob has mentioned to a number of folks over the years, to not quote every post...

And now this:

(06-16-2024, 04:08 PM)Wao nahele wahine Wrote: Found it!  This was before HiloJulie, however, it is a good reminder for everyone about quotes and how it makes things very hard to read..

(Rob Tucker Wrote) Lastly here, the habit of constantly quoting and requoting in threads make things very hard to read. Please keep it to a minimum.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

And the truly ironic part of all of this, is if you go back and do some research, as I did, you can find this little gem of a quote:

(07-22-2014, 12:28 AM)leilanidude Wrote: That is why quoting people can be important. It keeps them honest. [Wink]

At any event, the one thing I found that was glaring to me in looking at the history of A LOT of Punaweb posts, is that Rob, on maybe 1 or 2 occasions discussed quoting posts - and as was shown was BEFORE I became a member, even though it was claimed that Rob directly told me not to quote, as well as several other posters all agreeing they saw the post where Rob told me not to quote, which NEVER happened, but what I did find was dozens of Rob's posts where he tells various Punaweb members to STOP PLAYING THE PUNWEB MODERATOR!

I suggest you, and several others take Rob's advice.

As I have stated in the past, I generally ONLY quote entire posts when the poster is known for coming back hours or even days later and editing their original posts so much that it changes any reply that was originally made drastically, or those known to post only to incite and troll.

At any event, I sure wish we could get an answer to the claim that there are all these illegal Mexicans here on the Big Island owning and operating scores of Mexican Restaurants and housing hordes of illegal family members. 

Also, I wish we could discuss the FACT that almost 50% of ALL illegal immigrants here in Hawaii are from the Philippines.

But no, let's "bicker" about post quoting - and of course post counts! And blame Julie for everything!

Continue on PunaWebbers!

Oh, and Happy Father's Day to all the GREAT Fathers out there!

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RE: using an assault rifle while dealing methamphetamine and heroin - by HiloJulie - 06-16-2024, 06:00 PM

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