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Hawaii Decarbonization Settlement 2045
(06-22-2024, 08:12 AM)SSGSurf Wrote: Fossil fuels will not and should not disappear in the next 50+ years. They should be our primary source until we can transition to more practical options like Nuclear and Hydrogen. I have an off-grid property running on solar, as that is the best option at the moment, but solar on current battery chemistries are not the best for our society and the environment.  You will see Tesla make a shift at some point in the near future.  We cannot support current mining practices and future disposal of current solar panels and batteries, no matter what they pitch on future recycling of these materials, its BS!  There are better technologies that will replace the current options and the need to recycle the megatons of our current solar waste will make no sense.  Until that time fossil fuels make far greater sense until we can transition to a lower natural resource input and lower waste output source.

I agree. I don't think it's even feasible to think otherwise.

However, that being said, the technologies on batteries, lithium mining etc. are changing every day. Just like nuclear waste. What is/was shipped via rail to be put into tombs in the dessert in Nevada today is a thimble full compared to a train car full in 1970. 

Imagine the engineer who invented the 8-track tape player suddenly being beamed into 2024 and handed an iPhone with 20 billion songs on it that can be played at a click. I'd say he would be left catatonic at the least.

Or what if we could beam Orville Wright into the cockpit of a 787? His jaw would drop so far it would break.

Recyling solar and batteries are again in their infancy stage. Where they will be in 25 - 30 years from now - who knows, nor can predict?

But to just deny deny deny what's happening with the climate - which now is predictable - is far far worse.

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RE: Hawaii Decarbonization Settlement 2045 - by HiloJulie - 06-22-2024, 08:36 AM

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