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Hawaii Decarbonization Settlement 2045
HiloJulie - Where will we be in 70 years with ANY type of energy?
SSGSurf - Fossil fuels will not and should not disappear in the next 50+ years. They should be our primary source until we can transition to more practical options like Nuclear and Hydrogen.

Unfortunately, these ideas fall into the trap of techno-hopium, the belief that somehow there will be a technological solution in the future that (somewhat conveniently) allows us to continue to live our high energy consumption lifestyles in the meantime. Much like climate change denial (thanks as always to terracore for taking on that highly-untenable position as usual), techno-hopium serves to avoid facing the reality that, as MyManoa already said, what is needed is the rapid decarbonization of all human activities in order to limit the costs and risks related to a rapidly changing climate. If this relationship is unclear, review the insurance threads as this trend has only begun - actuaries know the score and are bracing for widespread impacts.

While I know many of you are preparing to pull a "so long and thanks for all the fish" on those of us sticking around, perhaps you all might finally acknowledge what you've been told for 50+ years? That it's not just Hawaii that is unsustainable (I'd guess that where you're at now kalakoa isn't doing any better and likely fracking its way to freedom, but feel free to correct me), but this entire fossil-fueled extravaganza of numerous airflights, F150s trucks, smash burgers, and repeated Jevon's paradox-plagued beliefs that more efficiency will reduce overall consumption? It's long overdue, but the party is ending, could you all do whatever you can to stop advocating and practicing these choices that keep adding to the mess and maybe try picking up a bit on your way out? The kids would appreciate it!

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RE: Hawaii Decarbonization Settlement 2045 - by ironyak - 06-23-2024, 02:38 AM

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