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Hawaii Decarbonization Settlement 2045

No need worry! You have UNLIMITED credit at PWB&G. We put EVERYTHING under Rob's name! (joking!)

As for how "13 young people" sued the state - well they used two nonprofit pro-bono law firms dedicated to fighting climate change while representing the youth.

Earth Justice


Our Children's Trust

By the way, as you know, June is "PRIDE" month. But then I came across this "twist" of a meme and - wow - you're the first person that came to mind! (as well as myself)



I agree. But the general consensus of the Insurance Company AND the medical organization seems to be that everyone in Hawaii is 2 blocks away. And my neighbor is doing just fine today!

As for LNG, I don't see it as being "promoted" in the sense of it being a cure all. I see it being discussed as a short-term alternative. As like, imagine where we would have been TODAY, if the coagulated artery of humanity - Ige, along with the PUC had not gotten in the way and had allowed the implementation from "bunker oil" to LNG to begin with 10 plus years ago.

It's like being diagnosed with a form of cancer, that if treated and managed properly as soon as possible, you will slowly recover and be fine, obviously with constant monitoring and using newer technologies as they emerge. But doing nothing, will eventually kill you.

Well, on the bunker oil to LNG front, we decided to do nothing.

And then we wonder why 13-year-olds sue us?

Go figure!

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RE: Hawaii Decarbonization Settlement 2045 - by HiloJulie - 06-26-2024, 04:02 AM

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