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Hawaii Decarbonization Settlement 2045
punikahakaiferret - I do want to thank you for introducing me to the word "solarpunk" with the hyperlink to Wikipedia...
Ah, no worries, I'm glad someone is learning from these exchanges and solarpunk is pretty neat and making some headway with its critiques and cozy aesthetic showing up increasingly in entertainment, even, somewhat ironically, a recent Disney film. While the term is a bit new, its combination of old practices like gardening/permaculture, regenerative design, open-source, positivity, DIY, anti-authoritarianism, decentralization, etc, seems like a natural fit for Puna.

punikahakaiferret - I try not to get involved in the "back-and-forthing" and such on here
Yeah, that's likely the smarter choice, a lesson I tend to forget that leads me back to posting on PW.

Quote Asimov: "There is a cult of ignorance in the United States..."
Retort: We'll aren't you just some mister smarty-pants with your links, and evidence, and what not.
Reply: Umm... Touché? (internal dialog: Get Out while you can, the the calls are coming from inside)

HiloJulie -  Telling somebody that they are “slow on the uptake” because they rebutted to something you said, well what does that say about you?
I didn't say you were being slow on the uptake because you rebutted something (curious to know what you think that was exactly), but because it's tiring that you keep asking the same questions already answered. Yes, Julie, for the umpteenth time, I have solar, does that make me a pure enough vessel for you to finally listen and adapt to what the science has been saying for 50+ years?

Durian Fiend - Who is "they"?
You know - they, them, the ones out to get you, fill in the blank (WEF, Soros, the feds, satanic democrats, woke mobs, people of color, immigrants, jewish people, LGBTQ folks, and so forth depending on your conspiracy of choice).

Maybe this cross-generational eco-anxiety will at least lead to some new entertainment - stories of people with diverse skin and hair colors wandering the outlands harvesting the carbon of the old to build their carbon-fiber, gay communist, rainbow communes. Sort of a Logan's Run meets John Waters meets No Country for Old Men. I'd buy that for a central bank digital currency!

randomq - Hawaii should become a medical specialty and retirement community ... Get medical tourism going, where people fly in from around the world for specialty care.
It's an interesting idea, although a shrinking market even world wide, yet a crafty way to bootstrap better healthcare options for locals. Perhaps if they traveled by sail, or even airship, everyone would win longterm. (and no that's not some implied support for hydrogen-based travel, we've seen how that goes over like a led zeppelin)

Oh look, we've just got the earliest Category 4 Atlantic hurricane on record, and here we're arguing about whether or not vegetables are sacred... gotcha... Maybe time to Learn to Stop Worrying and Love the Great Filter? ;)

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RE: Hawaii Decarbonization Settlement 2045 - by ironyak - 07-01-2024, 06:07 PM

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