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Hawaii Decarbonization Settlement 2045
(07-02-2024, 05:58 PM)ironyak Wrote: HiloJulie - Well, to be honest, you originally posted a link and then cut and pasted 4 key lifestyle changes one can make. There was no mention of you being on solar power, just a suggestion that people could be on solar.


06-25-2024, 06:03 PM HiloJulie - But, in closing, please tell us what YOU have done to diminish YOUR carbon footprint.
06-25-2024, 07:09 PM Ironyak - As for personal choice, as pointed out earlier, there are key lifestyle choices that greatly reduce your contributions to climate change (and yes, I personally engage in these to various degrees, as if that makes any difference) 1) Eating a plant-based diet/reducing meat consumption [...] 2) Avoiding air travel [...] Other options like adding solar (easy in Puna, even DIY in many cases) [...]
06-27-2024, 08:35 AM HiloJulie - Nonetheless, I'd love to hear your SPECIFIC contributions to lessening or eliminating YOUR carbon footprint, instead of a diatribe of what everyone else should do.
06-27-2024, 06:40 PM HiloJulie - As for the poster I rebutted, I can’t say for certain what their personal direct contribution to lowering their carbon footprint is, as all I’ve seen them post is dissertations as to what everyone else should do.
06-27-2024, 06:53 PM Ironyak - I already did this here, but can rehash for those slow on the uptake. If you have any questions about choosing to have fewer kids [...] or using off-grid solar, [...]

If I've missed some text that you think is important to highlight, please let me know. After all, everyone is human and can misunderstand or overlook something that was said. Do you want to admit that you may have done that in this case, or just keep doubling-down?

But as I tried to point out originally, it doesn't matter if I have solar or not in highlighting that using solar power reduces emissions. Saying "smoking is harmful and should be avoided to protect one's health" is true regardless if the speaker is a smoker or not. These attempts to undermine a claim by attacking the speaker as a hypocrite is a common logical fallacy, often called the Appeal to Hypocrisy fallacy, or the Tu quoque (You too) fallacy, and is best to be avoided in a good-faith discussion of ideas.

Perhaps maybe, using all of your self proclaimed brilliance, your self proclaimed unmatched knowledge, your self proclaimed unmistakably high intellect coupled with your diarrhea of your mouth (keyboard) where you use quantity versus quality, as well as all those redundant big words and names trying to prove your superior intelligence and realize and grasp that saying that you may do some or all of these things to various degrees is not the same as saying I specifically do this or I specifically do that. 

I would think that with all your self proclaimed superior knowledge and wisdom, of all people, you would understand that words have meanings.

And now, for your troll encore, since you pulled out the Godwin Law already, you make this about me having to admit I was wrong. The troll in all your obfuscated subterfuge of trying to prove your self proclaimed superiority and intelligence speaks again!

Nonetheless, instead of filling the pages of PunaWeb with your unmatched self proclaimed brilliance in trying to prove yourself as always being right and everyone else, especially me, as being wrong on everything, maybe we can both agree that the “world is on fucking fire” and something needs to be done. 

The main reason “lunarpunks” evolved was primarily because of the fear that the “solarpunks” would have to much power once all of the activities of the “punks” have been realized. 

I’m for seeing climate change being addressed. Clearly you are as well. 

Instead of all this blathering from you trying to prove your supreme intellect, all you had to do is say, “yes, Julie, I am on solar power.”

I guess that must be too intellectually impossible for someone with such self proclaimed intellectual capacity as you point out at virtually every post you make.

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RE: Hawaii Decarbonization Settlement 2045 - by HiloJulie - 07-02-2024, 06:53 PM

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