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Hawaii Decarbonization Settlement 2045
Taking kalianna's invitation to use the new "Bicker Board", my reply to HiloJulie is here. (figure it's worth trying to help support those trying to keep things somewhat on the rails here :)

HOTPE - He didn’t own a car but he did have a Sinclair Computer or similar
Sounds like the console cowboy had his priorities straight :) It's somewhat astonishing how much the founding of cyberspace and its future world-wide adoption was tied to counterculture psychonautics like Brand. While some of his more recent Long Now Foundation work is interesting (lots of good podcast talks), like restoring the passenger pigeon made extinct from overhunting in the early 1900s, some of his other work like trying to restore the Wolly Mammoth (in this climate?) feels a little like going out of the way to play god.

From those early tech pioneers, I think individuals like Douglass Rushkoff offers a better example of how to stay on Team Human, including calling out techbro folly like Zuckerberg's Hawaii compound, bought with profits from refining Brand & cohort's mind-opening cyberspace into an highly addictive social media that has warped reality for many of its users. What a long strange trip it's been indeed!

In contrast, hopefully the kids raised in the reality of climate change are wide-eyed as to the enormity of the task at hand and everyone does whatever they can to help and support them.

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RE: Hawaii Decarbonization Settlement 2045 - by ironyak - 07-03-2024, 07:25 AM

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