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Hawaii Decarbonization Settlement 2045
I managed to watch about 45 seconds of the Facebook video Obie linked and had to turn it off. 

When people think communication is being the loudest voice(s) in the room and never letting the “other side” say something for more than 3 seconds without interrupting and/or talking over them incessantly, one has to wonder.

But, such is the way of life these days I guess. 

I’m also pretty amazed that anyone would equate that geothermal caused the 2018 eruption. If your belief is that “Pele” is this all powerful goddess of fire and controls the volcano, why would she, in a supposed fit of anger, erupt and wipe out 700 plus “human peons” and leave the accused cause of the eruption virtually unscathed?

We are getting close, if not already there, to the similarity of what gets said when a plane crashes and a few people survive but hundreds are killed and saying that “it’s a miracle that those few survived!”

As the saying goes about all things related to science and religion:

“Science is questions that may never be answered. Religion is answers that may never be questioned.”

What if, in the belief of “Pele” someone came up with the theory that since the only real good this deity has done was to first create the land we live on and secondly, provide one of the best, albeit not the very best, but damn close to the best viewing of the galaxies (and “heavens”) when you consider virtually everything else that this deity has done is more or less the most destructive forces ever unleashed on mankind, including belching tons of CO2 into the air? Maybe, “Pele” is saying something like “use my heat, use my skies” in an attempt of trying to lessen “her” carbon footprint?

That ought to set off a few!!

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RE: Hawaii Decarbonization Settlement 2045 - by HiloJulie - 07-08-2024, 08:54 PM

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