(07-08-2024, 10:40 PM)HiloJulie Wrote: SMOG program...
Considering that, on the frontside, folks aren’t rushing to be weened from fossil fuels Cali’s SMOG regulations are probably the model to follow once the technology is developed to capture CO2 on the backside. Put some little doohickey on the back end of a tailpipe and drive that classic beast till the cows come home!
The industry and the technology is young but given half a chance the future holds all sorts of possibilities.. I love how this story has a Hawaii component.. gee.. just think.. we have the geothermal.. and the basalt..
From: https://www.fastcompany.com/91120071/cli...ry-iceland
The world's biggest carbon removal factory just opened in Iceland
Which in part reads..
The new plant, called Mammoth, has installed 12 modular containers so far. By the end of the year, it will have 72, with the capacity to capture around 36,000 tons of CO2 per year...
...Inside shipping-container-size boxes, fans pull outside air through filters that capture the CO2. The process runs on renewable energy from a neighboring geothermal plant. After the CO2 is captured, a company called Carbfix dissolves it in water and pumps that deep underground, where it naturally reacts with basalt rocks and turns permanently into stone.
Gee.. that kinda sounds like something Puna could do!