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Hawaii Decarbonization Settlement 2045
Dropping the haiku silliness for now (sorry ferret, it's been fun, but hard to do nuance in seventeen syllables :)

HiloJulie - the primary unsustainable elephant in the room is 8 billion people worldwide.

Total impact is the of number of people times the consumption of those people. Given that each person on average in the US emits 4x the amount of CO2 as the world average, it's a bit rich to be claiming that the other ~7.5 billion people living lower-polluting lifestyles are the real problem. When one country has only ~5% of the world population, but consumes 25% of the resources, it's not just the "man in the mirror", but 7 Brazilians or 18 Nicaraguans or 148 Madagascans that may want to have a talk with you about your excessive consumption for a single lifestyle.

What is your proposal for solving the current population/consumption dilemma?

HOTPE - In addition to the question “can we learn a thing or two from the unhoused” I would also ask “is the unhoused lifestyle sustainable?”

The unhoused are living low consumption lifestyles by necessity, existing on the fringes of a highly wasteful society. Both are unsustainable as they are built on unsustainable fossil fuels.

Perhaps to ground the discussion in something useful and pragmatic, do you have any tips or tricks for maintaining yields in the garden without the use of synthetic fertilizers (which of course are derived from fossil fuels)? As about half of all human mass is made from fossil-fuel-derived synthetic fertilizer, figuring out how to create sustainable yields without their use would be helpful going forward! Thanks!

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RE: Hawaii Decarbonization Settlement 2045 - by ironyak - 07-15-2024, 07:07 PM

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