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Hawaii Decarbonization Settlement 2045
Local food for schools.
Federal funding.
It would reduce imported vegetables, encourage local growers to step up production.
Sounds like a way the state can reduce its carbon footprint.
Maybe the DOE is waiting for the kids to sue (again) so they can get some fresh food in their lunches?

More than a year after the Hawaii Department of Education sparked ire by instructing schools not to apply for funding from a $650,000 federal food grant it had helped secure, the agency has yet to produce a clear plan for how it will use the grant before it expires.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture Local Food for Schools grant would allow schools to purchase Hawaii-grown produce like bok choy and sweet potatoes and could help DOE meet a legislative mandate to spend nearly a third of its food budget on local ingredients by 2030.

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RE: Hawaii Decarbonization Settlement 2045 - by HereOnThePrimalEdge - 07-17-2024, 08:30 PM

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