(07-22-2024, 07:12 AM)ironyak Wrote: What are you on about you silly coot? How it asking about the requirement of requiring posts to be related to Hawaii, about "an argument" that needs to "be countered"? it's the whole basic premise and purpose of PunaWeb historically.
As for overquoting, Rob just mentioned the issue a handful of months back so it has nothing to do with dial-up. And the quote function is not some perfect record of what was said and is fully editable e.g.
I'm glad to see you are exempt from the one PunaWeb rule - namely name calling.
But, then again, it's you. As you clearly have demonstrated, even after your 10-month absence of posting and subsequent return, no matter the subject, it's OK if YOU do it. Just nobody else should or can.
At any event, the last mention from Rob about quoting was made on December 10, 2021. Not a handful of months back.
Further, as I have mentioned, I did a lot of reading of old posts. Apparently, up until recently, PunaWeb operated on different software. Posts made on the old software showed significant wasted space when quoted, especially if quoted and then requoted. However, one thing I also noticed from these old posts were a large number of users having signature lines that were 20 - 30 - 40 lines long - most of them endless repeating symbols or punction marks. Also compounding the issue was that in a majority of cases the signature line was repeated - as if it was posting the signature line into the body of the post and then repeated it where the signature line would normally appear. When a post was then quoted, it copied that damn signature line again and again.
I think the new software currently in use eliminated a large part of confusion.
But, speaking of confusion, I am wondering where all these non-Hawaii related topics are as well as where this excessive quoting is taking place.