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Question for Rob on current PunaWeb hopes & expectations
Hey Rob - thanks for the reply!

It's not really national politics specifically that's been an issue in my experience, (although it does happen) just a bunch non-Hawaii related stuff and various quarrels that sneaks their way increasingly into many threads e.g. Musk, personal off-topic banter, arguments about PW requirements, more arguments about PW requirements, push back on long-held PW practices, big picture / not Hawaii-specific, and old grudges (oh so many old grudges, it could fill whole threads and often does).

The usual at-least minimal effort to find a connection to Hawaii for each post is largely gone and threads will wander the far hills both from the original topic and from being related at all to Hawaii.

My hope was to get a distilled list of practices you think are important to follow here on PunaWeb which historically have included items such as keep it local, only about 5 posts a day on average, don't overquote for easy of reading, and such, so users could easily remind others of your requests when things start to go off the rails.

But if you're cool with PunaWeb being more of a loosely structured chat-room where people just bounce things back and forth across dozens of posts a day regardless of the thread topic or its relation to Hawaii and are heavily peppered with personal attacks that's fine too of course - it's your sandbox. Just trying to get some clarity from you as the usual requirements aren't being enforced.

Hopefully your schedule allows a chance to provide this clarification for everyone, but I know you have bigger fish to fry so no stress either way. Cheers!

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RE: Question for Rob on current PunaWeb hopes & expectations - by ironyak - 07-23-2024, 06:01 AM

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