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Hawaii Decarbonization Settlement 2045
kalianna -  A mute point now, as something devoured all of my big beautiful green tomatoes.

Sorry about your tomatoes. We gave up on anything larger than a cherry tomato after too many of those experiences / being forced to go with fried green tomatoes to at least get something out of that batch. But a nice big warm, ripe tomato out of the garden is a definitely a piece of mainland gardening nostalgia, so good luck with keeping up the good fight to capture that unicorn here! :)

HiloJulie - Hawaii County to the rescue of the backyard garden: Oh, wait…

Colonizing culture undermines a native culture's means to support themselves because it can't make a buck on it? Quelle surprise!

Looks like it hasn't been finalized yet, and there may be some legal options, but sure County, let's go after people's ability to feed themselves and their communities while the Big Island has the highest food insecurity in the state. Great priorities Council - true Aloha spirit.

More people growing more food locally means better community health and resilience. The struggle goes on, because it must.

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RE: Hawaii Decarbonization Settlement 2045 - by ironyak - 07-23-2024, 06:37 AM

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