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Question for Rob on current PunaWeb hopes & expectations
randomq - What if we all had to use our real names? Would we be more civil to one another?
That's been an open question for a long time in online communities. Folding some of these discussions back into each other, Steward Brand's The Well, one of the first large online communities, has always had a real name policy. Given the potential impact to one's reputation, including professional reputation, using real names may temper some of the worse impulses for flame wars and trolling, but it hasn't avoided "the unavoidable drama of human relationships" as they put it.

On the otherhand, given the potential for online arguments spilling over into real world violence, such as accosting people at their homes and jobs, or even incidents of fatal swatting, there are some good reasons for using anonymous handles to obscure personal details. Personally, I'd take some online incivility over every punatic having each other's home address as some of y'all are even more crazy than me! ;)

HiloJulie - In as much as I have never met Tom, Obie or MyMano, I know who Tom and MyMano are.
You know who they are, but don't know their published works? Sounds like a piss-poor research effort. Try harder.

TomK - ironyak says I know the book, but I don't know if I do.
Keep playing dumb Tom, you're a natural.

MyManao - Yep, seems like it was yesterday we were discussing the toxicity of carbonized asphalt.
Yeah, still not a fan of people being exposed to burning asphalt, even if to take amazing pictures of it. ;) Have to say the image of the initial encroachment of lava into Harry K. Brown park still hits hard. Spent many summers passing that sign to cross between the beach and the outdoor showers, or when heading up to Walter's to grab a couple red hot dogs. Old Kalapana really was an amazing place and community, so thank you for capturing so much of what made it special while it was still here!

When Malika was kind enough to ask Civil Defense about the problem of burning asphalt during a 2014 presser, and they said that they "may" bring in some air monitors, it became clear that Oliveira, and later Magno, wasn't going to bring the same level of care and attention to CD that Harry Kim did, and that prevention wasn't an option as it would interfere with getting the insurance and FEMA dollars. Eye opening, but highly informative for how we as a community approached the 2018 lava flow, and rolled our own solutions on information gathering and community support.

As part of that decade-plus long conversation, I was more considering the return of Mauna Kea protests and how many were forced to realize that they weren't immune from history and the privileges they enjoyed were about to be swept away by larger forces. It seems those events and the reactions to them still frames much of the discussion as some haven't made peace with the new reality.

Change is inevitable, embrace and adapt to reality, and when at a Walter's, be sure to ask him "to make me one with everything" :)

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RE: Question for Rob on current PunaWeb hopes & expectations - by ironyak - 08-01-2024, 06:15 PM

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