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Question for Rob on current PunaWeb hopes & expectations
When a washed up old photographer who “was involved” in three books over 30 years ago, and then comes into a forum such as PunaWeb and calls a woman a “BITCH” and then asks how many times “I dropped my drawers” for the former head of Hawaii County’s Civil Defense and former Mayor, I’d say the term “debased” is putting it mildly. 

And no calls this disgusting piece of human shit out for saying that? 

I wonder what any male poster here on PunaWeb would say or do if some 70 year old man called your wife a “BITCH” or asked how many times she “dropped her drawers” for some public servant? 

And I wonder what the outcome of calling some of you other female posters here on PunaWeb the same names?

Discourse is fine and good to have. But a line was crossed that to me is just flat out unacceptable in any sense of the word. 

This is misogyny. MyMano is a misogynist. A sad disgusting human being. 

I hope you PunaWebbers are happy having this sick perverted washed up disgusting piece of human trash amongst you. You deserve him.

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RE: Question for Rob on current PunaWeb hopes & expectations - by HiloJulie - 08-05-2024, 05:06 PM

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