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Question for Rob on current PunaWeb hopes & expectations
TomK - As I said just a few days ago, I don't remember the book's name, and what you quoted doesn't have the name either;
And like I said, you're fully committed to the bit. Even Obie and HiloJulie weren't willing to pretend to be this dumb for this long. I'd call y'all Larry, Moe, and Curly, but at least the Three Stooges' pie routine is funny. Instead for us it's TomK pies himself in the face, again, day 3190 and counting - will it ever end?

HiloJulie - Discourse is fine and good to have. But a line was crossed that to me is just flat out unacceptable in any sense of the word.
Mrs. "we live in America and I will post here and there and everywhere I desire" takes exception when another contributor exercises the same prerogative? Not a fan of free speech anymore and now want to limit it? Your ideals only run skin deep or only apply to you? So many questions and the sun is barely up.

Punatang - You don't feel that the rest of the community deserves decency and decorum?
I personally do, but that requires individuals who are willing to observe community norms and perhaps some moderation being applied when they step out of line. As we are lacking both currently, there are, unsurprisingly, some crazy shenanigans going on (even people having to delete their own posts when they recognize their missteps and misplaced accusations ;) You might want to stay out of the rougher parts of the neighborhood in the meantime if it offends your sensibilities.

(jarring shift in tone to subjects of more interest)
MyManao - Whereas the church was something entirely different.
Yeah, I wasn't sure if Harry may have been against it as it posed safety concerns especially when trying to commit to an outcome done under pressure & on a timeline (Paio Jr. hints at that in the doc on youtube), or if it was part of a more general stance against preventative measures (as mentioned in conversations with Jack about Hilo). Whatever distinction was/is being made between the efforts at the church and people's houses that makes them different isn't entirely clear from the outside, or at least not to me. Always like understanding Harry a bit better though, as he's an interesting cat, and, of course, has played an outsized role in local affairs.

kalianna - I saw both films but didnʻt get the Maurice and Katia reference until Ironyak elaborated. My lasting impression was that Iʻm glad they found each other because finding anyone else would probably have been difficult for each of them.
I managed to catch Fire of Love over the weekend and have to say while Herzog's The Fire Within has the better footage, his focus on the Krafft's evolution as filmmakers from "tourist home movies" to "otherworldly images" wasn't as compelling to me as Fire of Love's focus on Maurice and Katia's unique personalities and truly special relationship. Fire of Love just included much more of the Krafft's words, presence, and perspective on their life, their love, and their obsessive occupation that better captured their story for me, but I'm not a photographer or filmmaker so interests may vary.

Both are worth a watch IMHO, and thanks for the behind the scenes story from Walter's. Hard to tell when Maurice was being serious or goofing around, but their charm and joy are undeniable, and it's hard not to like peeps that had a "Cousteau phase" to their wardrobe! :)

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RE: Question for Rob on current PunaWeb hopes & expectations - by ironyak - 08-05-2024, 06:18 PM

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