08-21-2024, 04:43 PM
I follow the markets, and if I had to take a guess at the future it looks generally positive. - edge
Likewise and my normalcy bias wants me to agree wholeheartedly. Seems like so much if it is up to The Fed, CPI, PPI, QE, QT, Repo markets, fake job reports that get revised bigly every month after the juice is drunk, blah, blah, blah. - punatang
The markets follow the reports that our tax dollars pay for. Unfortunately bad actors turn our jobs data & reports into propaganda to make their "nomics" look better. Enjoy the 2nd largest jobs report revision in history. 818,000 fake jobs from several of the highest paying sectors were all just smoke and mirrors. Pure propaganda. Over half of the supposed jobs created weren't real. It's hard to know when the sky is falling when your tax dollars are misappropriated to keep you misinformed.
Standby for the effects of this on house prices in HPP.
The largest revision ever, in 2009 was only slightly higher.
I follow the markets, and if I had to take a guess at the future it looks generally positive. - edge
Likewise and my normalcy bias wants me to agree wholeheartedly. Seems like so much if it is up to The Fed, CPI, PPI, QE, QT, Repo markets, fake job reports that get revised bigly every month after the juice is drunk, blah, blah, blah. - punatang
The markets follow the reports that our tax dollars pay for. Unfortunately bad actors turn our jobs data & reports into propaganda to make their "nomics" look better. Enjoy the 2nd largest jobs report revision in history. 818,000 fake jobs from several of the highest paying sectors were all just smoke and mirrors. Pure propaganda. Over half of the supposed jobs created weren't real. It's hard to know when the sky is falling when your tax dollars are misappropriated to keep you misinformed.
Standby for the effects of this on house prices in HPP.
The largest revision ever, in 2009 was only slightly higher.
I wish you all the best.